Star Imaging and Diagnostic Centre offers a complete menu of clinical diagnostic tests. The fully automated lab has state-of-art fully automated blood analyzing instruments. Quality in testing is achieved by systematic alignment of test reagents machinery and technical person behind the machinery. There are daily rigorous checks which ensure quality control and assurance of reagents and machinery.
Diagnostics Equipments at Star Labs/Star Imaging and Diagnostic Centre
- Fully automated Immunoassay analyzer (Roche e411)
- Fully automated biochemistry analyzer
- Fully automated ELISA processor (ERBA)
- Automated Coagulation analyzer
- Automated Electrolytes analyzer
- Automated Urine analyzer
- Fully Automated Hematology Anlyzer (Horiba)
- Hematology
- Biochemistry
- LIPD Profile
- Cardiac Enzymes
- Bone Chemistry
- Histo Pathology Cytology
- Serology
- Hepatitis Markers
- Urinary Profile
- Stool
- Anemia Panel
- Body Fluids
- Bone Marrow Aspiration & Biopsy Culture
- Hormones Infertility Profile
- Tumour Markers